Merlo Electric’s 65th Anniversary Celebration

April 16, 2021
In April of 1956, founder Al Merlo opened the doors of his electrical company, Merlo Electric in Hamilton Ontario. Al started out wiring houses for a number of local home builders which he continued with for the first twenty years of operation. He would later expand his work to include apartment buildings, large projects and municipal contracts.
Today, Merlo Electric is a 24/7 service company with a mix of residential and commercial customers. With our digger/derrick trucks, we provide the installation of temporary power poles for new construction sites and service pole lights with our fleet of bucket trucks.
After 65 years, Al can still be found every morning behind his desk, ready for the day to start.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 Merlo Electric was unable to have the grand party which 65 years of business deserves. They did, however, surprise Al with balloons in his office and presented him with a painting portraying his first and latest trucks.