Skills Ontario Shows Support for Ontario Government’s Investment in Skilled Trade Education

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July 25, 2022

As an organization dedicated to building the future skilled workforce, Skills Ontario applauds the Government of Ontario for its education plans to amplify skilled trade and STEM education in the curriculum, announced today by Minister Stephen Lecce, the Minister of Education. Skills Ontario is pleased to see the continued support for and recognition of skilled trade and technology careers as vital to the province’s economy.

“We are thrilled to continue our strong partnership with the Ontario government, and we support the education plans announced today,” says Ian Howcroft, CEO of Skills Ontario. “Working together and inspiring the next generation of skilled trade and technology leaders is crucial to our success as a province, and we are looking forward to continuing to provide learning opportunities to Ontarians.”

As per the Ontario government’s news release, preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow includes “new learning in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills, engineering design, the skilled trades and emerging technologies.”

Skills Ontario delivers experiential learning tools to youth and educators all year round through presentations, workshops, events, digital and print resources, and more. Through a commitment to preparing Ontario’s youth for the highly-skilled economy of tomorrow, Skills Ontario partners with school boards, colleges, small business, large companies, labour groups, and governments to provide opportunities for youth to explore and develop skills for successful careers in the skilled trades and technologies. With 30 years of experience, Skills Ontario is a province-wide organization with a grassroots connection into the many communities the organization serves.


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