Public Input Open for Nova Scotia Proposed Building Code Amendments

August 31, 2023
Nova Scotians are invited to provide written comments on proposed amendments to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations.
The proposed changes to the regulations were released today, August 14.
The amendments are needed to adopt the national codes as the new minimum standards for construction in the province. These codes include:
- 2020 National Building Code
- 2020 National Plumbing Code
- 2020 National Energy Code for Buildings
“These updated regulations will align the provincial building code with the latest National Building Code standards and improve safety and accessibility for Nova Scotians,” said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Minister responsible for the Office of the Fire Marshal. “The new national codes also provide guidance and set performance tiers to enhance energy efficiency.”
The new national codes use a tiered system that provides a roadmap to increasing energy efficiency standards. This will help move the industry towards net-zero in construction of buildings over the coming years.
By adopting the national codes, building design and construction in Nova Scotia will be consistent with standards across Canada.
The deadline for public comments is Friday, September 29. The proposed changes are available at:
Quick Facts:
- the proposed changes are expected to take effect on January 1, 2024, starting with tier 1 of the 2020 national codes, with tiers 2 and 3 rolling out over four years
- adoption of the 2020 national codes will involve comprehensive education and training on the new requirements with key stakeholder groups
- the Province worked on the proposed changes with the Nova Scotia Building Advisory Committee and the Accessibility Directorate