How Lighting Retrofits Cut Costs and Energy Usage at 2 Auto Dealerships

Retrofitting lighting fixtures with LEDs has enabled two southwestern Ontario auto dealerships to reduce operational costs by a collective annual $40,000, as well as claim $30,000 in provincial government incentives.
In an effort to reduce energy costs, South London Nissan and Oxford Dodge Chrysler replaced 1,000 watt metal halide parking lot fixtures with energy-efficient LED fixtures. Built on LSI’s Crossover LED technology, the new LED fixtures are extremely energy efficient with an expected life of up to 100,000 hours. The annual energy and maintenance savings are significant, with less than a 2-year payback.
Image 1: South London Nissan in London, ON
The new LED parking lot lighting at South London Nissan, combined with improvements made to the interior lighting (using LSI Ascent fixtures), allowed the dealership to claim over $16,935 in ERIP (Electricity Retrofit Incentive Program) Program incentives from the provincial government. Products used: 60 LED XGB3 area lights (128 LEDs, Type 5 & FTA reflectors). Results: 80% reduction in annual energy cost (approx. $27,578 in savings as compared to previous Metal Halide fixtures. This is the first Nissan dealership to retrofit with LED in North America, with more to come.
Oxford Dodge Chrysler elected to replace its existing 1,000 watt metal halide parking lot lights with LED XAM3 area lights (119 LEDs, Type FT reflectors). Also built on LSI’s Crossover LED technology, the new energy efficient LED fixtures have an expected life of 60,000 to 100,000 hours. The annual energy and maintenance savings expected are significant. The new LED parking lot lighting, combined with improvements made to the interior lighting, allowed the client to claim over $12,790 in ERIP incentives from the province. Results: 83% (approximately $13,000) savings in annual operational costs. The dealership is so pleased with the new LED lighting in the parking lot that it has purchased more fixtures to install at the rear of the lot.
Both the XGB3s and LED XAM3s deliver crisp, white, uniform lighting that is IDA approved dark-sky friendly. The overall appearance is much brighter than the previous lighting, and was quick and easy to install.

Adapted from case studies published by LSI Industries,