Comprehensive Energy Savings Incentive Program for Alberta Businesses

Through additional financial incentives for participants bundling efficiency measures and new technology types, the Comprehensive Energy Savings (CES) stream supports facilities that are aiming to achieve deeper emissions reductions and energy savings. Participants that bundle smaller capital investments into a bigger investment package will benefit from increased incentives and greater long-term results, such as increased emissions reductions and decreased operating costs. The financial incentives from the CES stream for retrofits and upgrades will help offset a portion of the capital costs while driving Alberta to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets.
The objectives of the stream are to:
- Support comprehensive retrofits and upgrades that reduce GHG emissions and energy usage.
- Reduce facility operating costs, maintenance requirements and your environmental footprint.
- Increase the value and efficiency of your building while creating a comfortable space for your occupants.
Participants must retrofit or upgrade measures from at least two of the eight CES core categories listed below. For clarity, the 14 existing core categories in the ESB Measures List are aggregated into the 8 CES core categories.
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