EFC Ontario Region Hosts Amazon Automation Fulfillment Centre Tour

February 2, 2025

By Electro-Federation Canada

On January 17, nearly 50 Ontario Region members attended an educational tour of the Amazon Fulfillment Centre in Brampton, ON.

This was an exclusive and private tour for our members to learn about automation, robotics and supply chain operations on a large scale. This tour was comprehensive, with many components to see and learn about.


The Ontario Region hosted two sets of tours, held at 10 a.m. and noon, with a sip and social industry networking component in the middle of both tours.

“Experiencing the Amazon tour was incredible – an unforgettable blend of innovation, insight and inspiration,” said Aeisha Hurst, Rexel, Ontario Region Committee Member.

“It offered a unique behind-the-scenes look at Amazon’s cutting-edge operations and left us all inspired by their commitment to excellence.”

Ontario Region Team Lead, Nathalie Lajoie said she has been planning this event for nearly five years – the first being planned on March 8th, 2020 – and is pleased with the turnout and the opportunity to finally partner with the Amazon team to provide the opportunity for members to learn and experience a high level operational Distribution and Fulfillment Centre.

This tour is highly recommended for all members interested in innovation, and operation of such a high level fulfillment facility.

If you are interested in attending an Amazon Tour, we will be hosting more of these educational tours in the months to come.  Stay tune for more details.

If you attended the event, and would like to provide your feedback with a quick event survey, click here

Providing business educational events, matched with valuable networking opportunities for our members, are two of the key/core strategies for the Ontario Region Committee.

Save the dates for future Ontario Region events, registration is open for the ski day and gala. For more information on these and other events, visit our event page.


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