Axis CovePerfekt: Less Cove, More Light

April 6 2016
CovePerfekt is a new way to design cove lighting with less guesswork and more freedom. With CovePerfekt,
• design smaller coves
• eliminate hot spots and aiming
• improve the overall cove light quality
• save energy like never before
Many cove light manufacturers use bare LEDs to produce high-intensity light but the beam is not controlled, resulting in poor light distribution. With CovePerfekt, Axis provides a highly controlled spread of light featuring one of the highest peak cd/W ratios in the industry. Exclusive SurroundLite flat optics bend light to put it where you need it, deliver balanced luminance on cove surfaces, and consume as little as 1/3 the watts of fluorescent & other LED cove systems.
CovePerfekt — Ceiling completely conceals a direct view of the LED light source, delivers peak candela at 110 degrees for uniform ceiling illumination, and provides a soft glow on the backside of the cove.
CovePerfekt — Wall provides high quality ambient light in corridors, restroom and other spaces completely conceals direct view of LED light source, eliminates shadows or streaks on the wall, and offers optimal efficiencies in any cove depth or lumen package.
CovePerfekt is the first product in a new family of Perfekt specialty luminaires. Find out more:
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