HPS’ New Energy Efficient Transformers Meet Latest Energy Efficiency Regulations in Canada

May 9, 2019
Hammond Power Solutions (HPS) has announced the availability of a complete line of Energy Efficient low voltage and medium voltage distribution transformers and energy efficient drive isolation transformers to meet the latest energy efficiency regulations in Canada.
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has established new energy efficiency levels for transformers in Canada effective April 30, 2019. The new NRCan regulation SOR/2018-201 is intended to align the minimum energy efficiency levels of dry-type transformers sold in Canada with the latest regulations prescribed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that were implemented January 1st, 2016. The new NRCan regulation completes the transition to new minimum energy efficiency levels for dry-type transformers in Canada that was started by the Province of Ontario, January 1st, 2018.
HPS offers the following transformer product lines that comply with the new NRCan energy efficiency regulations:
- HPS Sentinel G, K and H to serve our customer’s needs in General Purpose, K Rated and Harmonic Mitigating applications
- HPS Express G, a cost-effective solution for the commercial market
- HPS Tribune E for Drive Isolation applications, and
- HPS Millennium G (up to 5 kV), E & C (up to 46 kV) for Medium Voltage applications
Hammond Power Solutions is proud to support the latest NRCan energy efficiency regulations for dry-type transformers. The new products offered by HPS come with several environmental, economic and installation/application benefits.
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