Rittal’s ChillZone App Measures Energy Savings for Industrial Enclosure Cooling

October 28, 2016
Rittal Systems Ltd. introduces the ChillZone app, an energy savings estimator for the Blue e+ line of industrial enclosure cooling solutions.
The ChillZone app, which is available for immediate download in the Google Play and Apple app stores, allows users to determine approximate energy savings using Blue e or Blue e+ industrial enclosure cooling.
To calculate savings, the input data include climate zone (to estimate SEER), model selection/output category, hours of operation/shift model, local electric kWh rate, and number of operational units. By optionally adding the specific product number or average energy efficiency ratio (EER) of a competitor’s product, the app will provide a comparative analysis of both annual energy costs and potential savings.
In seconds, the ChillZone app highlights the cost savings in US Dollars and compares annual energy costs between an existing system and the energy-efficient Blue e or Blue e+ system. Competitive products can be compared as well, if the user knows the specific product ID information. Within the app the user may review regional rebate offers, or request further information from Rittal.
Find out more: www.rittalenclosures.ca.