Kerrwil Launches Electrical Industry Gold Book – THE New Resource for Canada’s Electrical Industry

Kerrwil Publications Limited announced the official launch of Electrical Industry’s Gold Book online sourcing tool for buyers, specifiers and installers of electrical equipment in Canada.
“This site exists for one reason; to ensure there is a definitive, Canada Only resource for electrical professionals here.” said John Kerr President of Kerrwil. “Unlike other online buying sites that have a ton of US and offshore suppliers we are focused on those companies that have a commitment to the Canadian market and have made sure their products meet the codes and standards here.”
Working with the support of Electro-Federation Canada this online resource lists only members of Electro-Federation Canada. Fully indexed by 25 key product categories and further sub indexed the site provides a definitive list of all electrical equipment available in Canada. In addition there is a complete listing by distributor branch and by Electrical manufacturers’ agents searchable by city and province. All members are listed at no charge.
Company landing pages, profiling individual suppliers, distributors and agents are unique as well in their detail providing brands, locations, online buying URL and line cards depending on their business. Another feature that showcases firm’s capabilities is the inclusion of the firm’s logo and corporate identification, most current online advertising running on the Kerrwil suite of electrical platforms and a cross reference of all press and product releases ensuring additional lift on any search results.
View the Gold Book website here:
“The goal of the company landing pages was to provide a simple on ramp to company sites where all the current and must need information was present. This allows for easy navigation too on our fully mobile enabled site” commented Line Goyette, Managing Editor.
For more information or to get the most out of your listing please contact Lynn Lortie Gold Book Editor +1 705.527.7666 extension 221. Advertising enquiries please contact William (Bill) Begin, Associate Publisher +1 613. 360.9165
View the Gold Book website here:
Kerrwil Publications Limited is Canada’s oldest privately held publishing company found in 1964. Entering its 51st year Kerrwil continues its commitment to be the Electrical Industry market resource with its extensive research, databases, and on line platforms that include and