Horizon Utilities wins Green Business of the Year 2015 Niagara Region Environmental Award

Horizon Award


Horizon Utilities was presented with the 2015 Green Business award during a ceremony held at Regional Council to honour significant contributions in safeguarding Niagara’s natural environment.

The 26th annual Niagara Region Environmental Awards Ceremony recognizes individuals, businesses and community groups who have made a difference in conserving the existing environment, repairing damage done in the past and increasing public understanding and awareness.

Photo 1: In the award presentation photo (left to right) Sal Sorrento, City Councillor, City of St. Catharines Kathy Lerette, Vice President Operations, Horizon Utilities Alan Caslin, Regional Chair, Niagara Region

Horizon PlantingPhoto 2: Horizon Utilities volunteers planted 5,000 plants consisting of native wildflowers, grasses and shrubs planted in the 12 Mile Creek corridor.

Horizon Utilities, which is jointly owned by the municipalities of Hamilton and St. Catharines, was presented with the Green Business of the Year award for innovation and environmental consciousness for its 12 Mile Creek vegetation project in the St. Catharines service territory.

The project—that wrapped up in July, saw close to 5,000 plants consisting of native wildflowers, grasses and shrubs planted in the 12 Mile Creek corridor near Hillcrest Avenue. The team of volunteers and partners worked together to create a habitat in hydro corridors which will also lower maintenance costs over time.

The initiative was developed in an effort to find an ecologically-friendly way of maintaining the vegetation under and around the power lines in the area with more suitable and sustainable species. During the first phase, hazardous and invasive trees had to be removed as they posed a risk to the power system and to the safety of the public and the workers in the area.

The new vegetation will not impede power lines and will require little maintenance in the future. The plants will also increase biological diversity while providing a quality habitat for wildlife.

Five awards are given out annually through the Niagara Region Environmental Awards Program, and Horizon Utilities was recognized for its commitment to conservation and its continued efforts that help make Niagara a great place to live.


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