OPG Announces John Wesley Beaver Award Winners


Brittnee Sheridan and Jamie Monague are the 2015 recipients of the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) John Wesley Beaver Memorial Student Awards. The awards help foster Aboriginal students’ post-secondary studies at Ontario colleges and universities in targeted fields of study.

Sheridan belongs to the QalipuMi’kmaq First Nations group. She has just finished an undergraduate degree in Law and Justice/Indigenous Studies at Laurentian University, and will be starting law school at the University of Ottawa this fall. Monague is from the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation in Southwest Ontario. He has just completed his first year at Lambton College in the Mechanical Technician – Industrial Maintenance program.

The JWB awards reflect OPG’s commitment to educating youth and increasing the representation of Aboriginal employees in the electricity sector. John Wesley Beaver was one of Ontario Hydro’s most notable Aboriginal engineers.

“Brittnee Sheridan and Jamie Monague exemplify the values of Jack Beaver in their commitment to education, family and their communities,” says Tom Mitchell, OPG President and CEO. “Like Mr. Beaver, Britnee and Jamie are important role models for Aboriginal youth.”

OPG works with more than 50 Aboriginal communities from across the province, helping create opportunities, training and jobs.

Established in 1997, the awards pay tribute to the contributions of John Wesley (Jack) Beaver, who was one of Ontario Hydro’s (OPG predecessor) most notable Aboriginal engineers and Chief of Alderville First Nation in the 1950s. Jack Beaver exemplified leadership, with concern for his family, his people, his colleagues and his community. To date there have been 32 JWB Award recipients. Up to two awards are available annually to qualified students and include a financial award along with the potential for a work placement at OPG.


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