Hydro One Establishes Women in Engineering Scholarship

Women In Engineering

To mark 10 years of Hydro One’s involvement in Go Eng Girl, a program aimed at increasing young women’s interest in STEM subjects, the utility is offering 15 scholarships of $5,000 each for women studying engineering at the undergraduate level in accredited Ontario universities. Recipients will also have an opportunity to engage in a paid developmental work term with Hydro One. Application deadline: October 2.

Following the application deadline, applications will be reviewed by Hydro One’s Community Investment Department and Diversity Manager in conjunction with Hydro One’s People & Culture Recruitment group. The top candidates will be short-listed for an interview and ranked according to their interview scores.

Hydro One also offers these scholarships:

• Leonard S. (Tony) Mandamin Scholarship, for academic excellence in the pursuit of post-secondary education related to the electricity sector by First Nations, Métis & Inuit students. Read about this year’s winners. Read about the 2015 recipients: https://electricalindustry.ca/changing-scenes/1551-opg-announces-john-wesley-beaver-award-winners.

• William Peyton Hubbard Award, a memorial scholarship granted for outstanding post-secondary achievement by Black Canadian students in Ontario. This year’s winners are Vitumbiko Mhango and Leslyee Igbinosun: http://www.hydroone.com/OurCompany/News/Pages/2015_Hubbard_Award_Winners.aspx.

Find our more about the Women in Engineering scholarship: http://www.hydroone.com/Documents/WomenInEngineeringScholarship.pdf.


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