CSA Group Offers Free View-Access to 2015 CE Code

Until December 31, join CSA’s Enhanced Level Electrical Community at no cost and receive free view-access to current and past editions of the CE Code in English and French. The Electrical Enhanced Level Community is part of an open, collaborative network that allows you to participate in discussions on a wide range of industry topics and includes exclusive view-access to current and past editions of the Canadian Electrical Code (CE Code).
You will also have access to the Electrical Quick Reference Guide, industry presentations, and reference materials, and can learn about standards on emerging technologies, electric vehicles, renewable energy and more. Joining the community is also a great way to learn more about the three pillars of the Canadian Electrical Safety System: regulation, third-party certification, and standardization.
Find out more: http://shop.csa.ca/en/canada/community-access-electrical/invt/coi-electrical.