CEA Recognizes Sustainability Leaders at 125th Anniversary Celebration

November 22, 2016
“The winners of this year’s awards yet again epitomize the pinnacle of the electricity sector’s commitment to mainstreaming sustainability, innovation, collaboration and strategic partnerships,” said Canadian Electricity Association President and CEO Sergio Marchi at its 125th anniversary celebration in Toronto, Ontario.
“As we look to the future, and continue to modernize our electricity system to meet the evolving needs of our customers and communities, these core elements of sustainability will play an essential role.”
The annual awards, evaluated by an independent public advisory panel chaired by Gord Miller, former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario under CEA’s flagship Sustainable Electricity program, recognize companies and individuals committed to advancing innovative and sustainable business practices.
The 2016 Sustainable Electricity Award Winners are
- Toronto Hydro Corporation — Integrated Approach to Sustainability
- Horizon Utilities Inc. — Continuous Performance Improvement
- Ontario Power Generation — Leadership in External Collaboration and Partnerships
- Neil Freeman, Vice President, Business Development, Horizon Utilities Inc. — Individual Sustainability Leadership
Find out more about the award winners’ achievements: http://sustainableelectricity.ca/awards/2016-cea-sustainable-electricity-awards/.