BC Hydro Announces Shortlist for Site C Balance of Plant Contract

Jan 13, 2019
Three proponent teams have been shortlisted for Site C’s balance of plant contract. The scope of the contract includes the electrical, mechanical, and various civil and structural work required to complete the construction of the generating station and spillway, along with other related facilities.
BC Hydro’s massive Site C project involves building a third dam and generating station on the Peace River in northeast BC. The project will provide 1,100 megawatts of capacity and about 5,100 gigawatt hours of energy each year to the province’s integrated electricity system.
The three shortlisted proponent teams for the balance of plant contract are
• Aecon-FMI Joint Venture
• Dragados CIMS Houle Joint Venture
• Ganotec Inc. and Cahill Industrial Limited
The next step in the procurement process is to issue the Request for Proposals to the proponents. Following submission and evaluation of the proposals, BC Hydro expects to award the contract on schedule in summer 2020.
BC Hydro is expected to spend up to $1 billion this year on the Site C dam project and $300 million on a new transmission project that will bring additional power from the dam to the oil and gas fields of Northeast BC.
In November 2018, the last month for which statistics are available, 3,463 workers were directly involved in the Site C project. The workforce is expected to grow even more this year. See more November 2018 employment statistics here: www.sitecproject.com/sites/default/files/November-2018-Workforce-Report.pdf
Photo source: BC Hydro