View Eaton’s Latest Offerings at the Aztec Automation Expo

Sept 23, 2019
Eaton focuses on developing personable connections in every aspect. In September, our team will be attending the Aztec Automation Expo, where you can experience the latest innovation right at your finger tips. In this event, attendees can capture advancements such as, the new Power Defense moulded case circuit breaker line display. This opportunity connects you with our trusted experts to not only view automation and control offerings but also, further visualize how Eaton can better support you.
Alongside our display, the team will present multiple visuals such as the canteen truck at the Cambridge location. The truck hosts industrial control products in support of our additional offerings including, operate interface (HMI), intelligent overloads and energy efficient variable frequency drives.
The Aztec Automation Expo will be held on September 25th from 11am to 5pm at 25 North Rivermede Road location, in Concord, Ontario. This will be accompanied by a secondary event held on October 2nd from 11am to 2:30 pm, at 75 Saltsman drive location, units 6 & 7, in Cambridge, Ontario. With globally rated products, Eaton extends a helping hand to better protect you.