Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (25th edition), Safety Standard for Electrical Installations Available for Pre-Order

Dec 4, 2020
The 25th edition of the CSA C22.1:21, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I is due to publish in January 2021. Pre-order your copy now and receive discounts of 30% off the CE Code Handbook and 75% off the Online Overview of Changes course in January 2021.
For over 90 years, the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I has been developed and updated to help better protect electrical workers and promote improved consistency in electrical installations across the country.
Why should you buy the 2021 Edition?
It includes over 200 additions and revisions, including:
· Changes to hazardous location requirements.
· New content addressing energy storage systems and climate change adaptation.
· New tables, diagrams and clarified text to better explain electrical installation requirements.
· Clearer requirements for wiring in and between subdivided dwelling units.
· Rules for functionally grounded renewable energy systems.
Did you know?
The CE Code is developed with the participation of Provincial and Territorial AHJs, manufacturers, educators, designers, conformity assessment professionals and many industry experts. The code is updated every three years to better protect electrical workers and help make electrical installation and maintenance safer.
All paper copies of the CE Code, Part I include a free copy of the Electrical Quick Reference Guide, offering you easy access to the most used clauses and definitions.
Go HERE for more information