Terry Milot Named First Chairman of ATCC

February 22, 2022
The Alberta Trade Contractors Council brings together ten trade organizations, including the ECAA to lobby government on various issues. It’s been instrumental in the Prompt Payment discussions with government and will bring several industry trade associations together to speak as one voice to government and others.
On February 3rd the ATCC held their first meeting as a board of directors. The organization was formed in 2014 under a Memorandum of Agreement, they formalized their relationship as a not-for-profit society in 2021, adopting Alberta Trade Contractors Council as its formal name.
Vice President, Chemco Ltd., representing ECAA, Terry Milot has been named the first Chairman of the Alberta Trade Contractors Council. Mark Schendel, SMC 2.0 Ltd. representing the Mechanical Contractors Association of Alberta and Bryan Neubeker, Saint-Gobain, representing Alberta Wall and Ceiling Association were elected as Vice Chairs.
Each member association appoints an Alberta contractor member to the council board as their voting representative.
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