Participate Today in an NRC Lighting Survey — You Could Win a $100 Gift Certificate

Feb 25 2016
Building systems of all kinds are undergoing dramatic change, as new technologies become available for everything from lighting to ventilation to security, all promising efficiencies of one kind or another. National Research Council of Canada’s research group is interested in how organizations make choices for building technologies, in order to speed the adoption of new technologies, including lighting systems.
If you are involved in making decisions about lighting for your organization, anywhere in the world, you are invited to participate in an online survey about how those decisions are made. Participants who complete the survey will have their name entered in a draw for a $100 gift certificate from Amazon. The survey remains open until March 3.
This survey consists of questions about your expectations for the lighting systems you choose, the factors that you and your organization take into account in making decisions about those systems and characteristics of both your organization and you personally. Participation will take approximately 20-30 minutes.
This project is sponsored by the National Research Council of Canada, the Program of Energy Research and Development (managed by Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy R&D), Natural Resources Canada – Office of Energy Efficiency, and the Independent Electricity System Operator Conservation Fund.
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