Members of the Power Workers’ Union Ratify Main Collective Agreement with Hydro One

August 21, 2023
Hydro One is pleased to announce that Power Workers’ Union (PWU) members have voted in favour of the main collective agreement, which will be in effect until September 30, 2025.
“I want to extend my thanks to the Power Workers’ Union leadership and our bargaining teams for their commitment to reach this balanced outcome,” said David Lebeter, President and CEO, Hydro One. “I am confident that these highly skilled employees will continue to build a better and brighter future by delivering value for customers, communities and investors today and for years to come.”
The collective agreement between Hydro One and the PWU covers employees in front-line roles across the company’s operations in Ontario. Results of the vote on the Customer Service Operations collective agreement, which includes staff in customer facing roles, is expected in the near term.