Indrani Butany-DeSouza Appointed to the Electrical Safety Authority Board of Directors

January 11, 2023
The Hon. Kaleed Rasheed, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery appointed Indrani Butany-DeSouza to the Board of Directors of the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA).
“On behalf of our Board of Directors, we are pleased that Minister Rasheed appointed Ms. Butany-DeSouza to the Board,” said ESA Chair Annette Bergeron. “The mandate of the Electrical Safety Authority is to improve electrical safety in the province of Ontario and keep people safe from electrical harms. Ms. Butany-DeSouza’s experience in the utility industry with Elexicon Energy is valuable for ESA to maintain connection to the local electricity distribution companies.”
“I am really looking forward to working with Indrani as we wish to build stronger relationships with the LDC community, particularly as we focus on innovation in the sector. She has extensive experience in strategic leadership, business transformation and regulatory management,” said Josie Erzetic, President and CEO of ESA. She added, “We welcome her contributions and input as we continue to deliver on our strategic goals to ensure electrical safety across the province”.
Currently, Ms. Butany-DeSouza is President and CEO of Elexicon Energy and stated, “I am very excited about this appointment to the ESA Board of Directors. I am very familiar with ESA’s safety mandate but also how they want to be a true collaborator in the energy sector and be part of the ecosystem to deal with new technologies and innovations. I’m looking forward to those conversations at the board table”.
Ms. Butany-DeSouza’s appointment will be effective December 22, 2022 for a term of 2 years. She replaces Rob Mace whose term expired on December 15, 2022 – after serving 3 terms, including as Chair of the People and Culture & Governance Committee.
“The Board has sincerely appreciated the guidance and contributions that Rob Mace has provided over the last 9 years”, said Chair Bergeron.
Three of the 12 ESA board directors are appointed by the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery. The remaining directors are appointed by the ESA through an open and public recruitment process.