Q1 Non-residential Building Construction Price Index UP 0.3%

The composite price index for non-residential building construction rose 0.3% in the first quarter compared with the previous quarter. The increase was mainly attributable to higher material prices.
Of the seven census metropolitan areas (CMAs) surveyed, Vancouver (+0.9%) posted the largest increase, followed by Toronto (+0.7%). Edmonton (-0.6%) and Calgary (-0.2%) reported the only decreases.
Year over year, the composite price index for non-residential building construction was up 1.2%. Of the CMAs included in the survey, Toronto (+2.1%) recorded the largest year-over-year increase, while Edmonton (-0.1%) recorded the lone decline compared with the first quarter of 2014.
Source: Statistics Canada, http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/150512/dq150512a-eng.htm?cmp=mstatcan.