PoE and DLVP: Comparing Power Distribution Systems for Lighting and Controls

PoE and DLVP: Comparing Power Distribution Systems for Lighting and Controls

The invention of the LED has left an indelible mark on not only lighting, but also building power systems. Aggressive market adoption of LED lighting and falling prices have enabled greater use of control systems in every lighting market segment. In turn, the integration of control systems with LED lighting has created an upsurge of low voltage devices in the ceiling.



Complaint Handling and Online Reputation Defence for Contractors, Part 2

Complaint Handling and Online Reputation Defence for Contractors, Part 2

Part 1 offered tips on how to respond to a complaint, including writing an apology letter. Here in Part 2: how to protect and even build your business after the complaint is resolved by obtaining a general release (especially if you resolved the issue by refunding money) and even a testimonial on how you successfully handled a complaint.


Five Reasons for Preventive Maintenance

Five Reasons for Preventive Maintenance

Keeping electrical distribution equipment at optimum performance levels can be challenging and stressful. Why? Because nothing operates without reliable power. Developing a maintenance strategy for your electrical distribution system is a sound business decision and implementing an electrical preventive maintenance program is a great starting point. Here are five reasons why.