EIN ABB in Canada 400

ABB in Canada for Canada: Shaping Tomorrow Through our Business Ecosystems

ABB believes that the development and nurturing of business ecosystems is essential to creating value for our customers and shaping the future. These networks of suppliers, distributors, customers, competitors, government agencies and other organizations constitute a constantly evolving relationship in which each entity must be flexible and adaptable to thrive.


EIN Bill Burr Code 400

Guide to the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 – A Road Map: Section 54

Rule 54-000 states that this is a supplementary or amendatory section of the code and applies to community antenna distribution, equipment for the reception of radio and television broadcast transmission, and equipment employed in the normal operation of a radio station licensed by the Government of Canada as an experimental amateur radio station.


EIN NEMA Logo 2022

New White Paper Highlights How Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters Work to Avoid Electrocutions Associated with Industry Products

NEMA’s new white paper provides information on GFCIs, products intended primarily to protect human beings from harmful effects of electric shock by sensing ground fault(s) and/or leakage current(s) on grounded and/or ungrounded systems rated 1,000 volts AC or DC and below.