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The EPLAN Advantage – Why Panel Builders and System Integrators are Now Turning to the EPLAN Platform to Solve Their Engineering Challenges

One platform, multiple solutions – the Eplan Platform offers engineering software such as Preplanning for systematic preliminary planning, Electric P8 for preparing circuit diagrams and Pro Panel for 3D enclosure planning, all from a single source.


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A Roundtable Discussion with Adrian Thomas on Hitting Climate Change Targets and Smart Innovation to Meet Demands of Electrification

As part of Schneider Electric’s Innovation Summit held virtually on November 10th, Electrical Industry News Week was able to participate in a roundtable with Canadian President, Adrian Thomas. Schneider is a company involved in a number of different industries but the focus for this article is Thomas’ comments on topics relevant to the residential market, as well as on the where Canada is at when it comes to climate change.