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Discussing AEA’s First Virtual Electrical Learning Expo with Tara Ternes

“It was amazing,” Alberta Electrical Alliance CEO Tara Ternes said of their first Virtual Electrical Learning Expo. “It was a built from scratch platform, based on our 26-years of experience doing the Expo,” so it certainly didn’t go without its challenges. “Going forward it will be much easier,” she said, adding that they learned a lot in the process of putting together and putting on the event virtually with Ivy Design, a marketing firm based out of Calgary, Alberta.


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Skills Ontario CEO Ian Howcroft Discusses Expanding Their Efforts and Going Virtual During the Pandemic

The Ontario government recently announced a major investment in the skilled trades and a revamped apprenticeship program, a move that was applauded by Skills Ontario. Skills Canada/Ontario will play big role in that mandate when it comes to increasing awareness of the opportunities the skill trades presents to young people.



Canada’s Green Building Engine: Market Impact and Opportunities in a Critical Decade

This report serves as the definitive account of the impacts of – and opportunities offered by – Canada’s green building industry today and in the coming critical decade. It quantifies the industry’s growth and significant and far-reaching economic, environmental, and social contributions.