Arlington’s New Non-Metallic Concrete Box Offers More!

May 15, 2018
Arlington’s FLOOR BOXES, COVER KITS, and accessories for new concrete are the low cost, convenient way to install a receptacle flush with a new floor.
The heavy-duty FLBC4502 4.5″ non-metallic concrete floor box has more features – SIX conduit hubs, FOUR plugs – And THREE options for positioning the low voltage divider in the box.
Add the NEW FLBC4502LR leveling ring for even easier installation of any 6 inch cover on ANY 4.5″ concrete box including our FLBC4500 and the new FLBC4502. It’s REVERSIBLE! Side A fits any 6″ round cover with a
3-1/2″ screw hole pattern. Side B has a second set of holes for 6″ covers with a 3-3/8″ screw hole pattern.
Arlington offers a variety of cover kits to fit our concrete boxes – Round with flip lids or threaded plugs in brass or nickel-plated brass. Metal trapdoor covers with three device options. And in plastic, in six colors.
Get a great-looking, time-saving receptacle installation in new concrete with floor box kits, covers and more – from Arlington!
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