High Intensity LED Lamps from Standard

Dec 17, 2018
Standard’s high intensity LED lamps offer an easy, cost saving retrofit solution that can replace up to 400 W HID lamps. No need for a time-consuming fixture replacement: simply bypass the ballast and screw in the lamp. The ballast bypass is the best option for long-term installations as it prevents the need to replace the ballast at a later time, making it ideal for hard-to-reach spaces.
This corn lamp line now includes a high bay retrofit of up to 400W HID and wall packs with a new 180° shape. Standard also now offers a 200-347V version in the 360° shape.
Additional features include:
• 50,000 hour lifespan
• from 22 to 150 watts
• 120-277 V and 277-347 V options
• 3,000, 4,000 and 5 ,000 K colour temperature
• operating temperature of 40 °C / – 40 °F to 60 °C / 140 °F
For more information, visit http://www.standardpro.com/featured-product/high-intensity-led-lamps/