M36 MRC Wall Washer – Efficient Wall Washing with Precise Light Placement

M36 MRC Wall Washer

Apr 24, 2020

Uti­liz­ing Micro Reflec­tor Cell (MRC) tech­nol­ogy, where the LED is tucked behind a recessed reflec­tor cell, M36 MRC Wall Washer pro­vides effi­cient light­ing with pre­cise beam place­ment. This is a dis­crete, low-glare lumi­naire with a com­pact foot­print, leav­ing focus on the light­ing effect rather than the fix­ture or the light source. Soft and even illu­mi­na­tion reaches from the very top of the wall all the way to the floor, with high uni­for­mity.

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