SaniLume Upper Room GUV

July 21, 2021
Using proprietary technology and a clean, modern, compact design, SaniLume directs germicidal UVC light to a narrow zone safely above people’s heads. Rising air currents within the room are amplified by our fixture and cycle the air through the germ-killing zone many times per hour.
The pandemic has created a heightened awareness of germs, bacteria, and viruses. The WHO, CDC and Health Canada have confirmed COVID-19 transmission is largely through tiny aerosol droplets that linger in the air we breathe – for hours.
With the proper use, UVC can efficiently neutralize bacteria and viruses. Germicidal UV (GUV) has been widely used for nearly one hundred years specifically for this purpose. SaniLume has taken this GUV technology to the next level, providing a convenient and attractive solution that can disinfect the air in a 20’ x 20’ area about every 2 minutes. SaniLume is safe to operate while people (including children) are in the space and provides peace of mind to everyone, knowing the air is being continuously treated.
Go HERE for more information