Leviton Indoor Decora Smart Wi-Fi Tamper-Resistant Outlet

November 3, 2021
Connect plug-in lamps, holiday lighting, and small appliances to the top “Controlled” outlet, while the bottom “Powered” outlet remains always on. The DW15R features tamper resistant receptacles with built-in shutters to prevent the insertion of unintended foreign objects. As well, the integrated button with vanishing feedback LED provides manual push-button on/off control and clear indiciation at any time.
Simplify control of the residence – schedule lamps and connected loads to turn on/off at specific times or based on sunrise/sunset, easily group smart devices into rooms, and create scenes to activate multiple loads at once. Utilize the auto-shutoff feature as a countdown timer in closets, hallways and bathrooms.
Engage home vs. away to enact randomization of lighting control, providing a lived-in appearance. Typical applications include switching of lamps, portable fans, kitchen appliances, indoor fountains, holiday lighting, and more.
Create schedules around your lifestyle, control from anywhere with the My Leviton app, or use your voice to turn on and off.
WORKS WITH IFTTT (IF THIS THEN THAT) Use the free IFTTT service to connect your My Leviton devices with other Internet Of Things (IoT) enabled devices & services to create a smarter home automation experience.
Go HERE for more information