Study Update Profiles Examples of Energy Technology Innovation Financing

A recently released study profiles examples of how innovation is being financed in the electric and natural gas utilities industries in select markets.
The Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) and the Canadian Gas Association (CGA) commissioned Concentric Energy Advisors to update a 2014 study on driving innovation in the electric and natural gas industries.
“Stimulating Innovation on Behalf of Canada’s Electricity and Natural Gas Consumers: A 2015 Update” reviews numerous case studies to assess specific financing sources, approaches and expected benefits from technology innovation programs or projects.
Potential advances in energy technology cited in the study include more efficient end-use equipment, low-emission customer-sited generation, energy storage, integrated gas/electricity solutions like micro combined heat and power, and a “smart energy network” that integrates emerging technologies in a way that preserves the reliability and resiliency of the distribution system.