Chinese City’s Artificial Moon Would Save $Millions in Lighting Costs

Chinese Artificial Moon


Oct 29, 2018

Scientists in Southwestern China’s city of Chengdu plan to launch three illumination satellites, also known as the “artificial moon,” in 2020, according to news sources. The initiative would save about 1.2 billion yuan (US$240 million) in electrical lighting costs every year.

The sources quote Wu Chunfeng, Chairman of Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology Microelectronics System Research Institute Co., Ltd. He spoke about the plan at a national mass innovation and entrepreneurship activity held in Chengdu on Oct. 10.

Made from highly reflective material like a mirror, the illumination satellites would offer eight times the brightness of the moon — bright enough to replace street lights. They would orbit at 500 kilometres above the Earth, and their illumination range could be controlled within a few dozen meters.

The idea came from a French artist, who imagined hanging a necklace of mirrors above the earth, which could reflect sunshine through the streets of Paris all year round. Testing of the illumination satellites started years ago, and now the technology has finally matured, explained Wu.

Some people expressed concern that the light reflected from space could have adverse effects on the daily routine of certain animals and astronomical observation.

Kang Weimin, director of the Institute of Optics, School of Aerospace, Harbin Institute of Technology, explained that light from the satellites will be similar to a dusk-like glow, so it should not affect animals’ routines.


• “China is launching an artificial moon to replace streetlights,” Matador Network,
• “China plans to launch artificial moon bright enough to replace city’s streetlights by 2020,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
Photo: Vinícius Henrique, on Unsplash

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